The Dreamtime Consciousness before Matter 2020 - 2026 in Equilibrium by Sean Jupiter 11:11:11
The Age of Communication had grown fast - an exponential mass of concerned people, ascending to a small screen each day, searching for answers, on why there was so much Drama? Many academics I've read, are disillusioned, finding through their research that many things are quite different to what's been written in History. It seems to me our youth are awakening Humanity from a deep sleep, in questioning why all this Religious conflict, unnecessary pain & suffering, found over a such a short time ago - 2020 years, has caused so much pain. There is no passion in studying why there is so much pain on offer, yet I was compelled towards a body of work that started for me the night of Christmas eve, reinforced by an unbelievable dream that followed.
A humbling experience.....
yet throughout all the ridicule that followed, I'd become fascinated 'Why' - so much theatre over our lives. The Collective state of Humanity could only be described 'as in an apathetic state'. I've considered that the ancients had much more to teach us of creation, the Dreamtime and understanding what conscious is - and I believe this work could play an important part for a sustainable future but, I also found such words were too overwhelming for many around me. I've written a Thesis on what I call 'a Theory of Change'. I was also inspired by professor John Nash's story in the movie 'a beautiful mind' with his thesis in the true meaning of Equilibrium economics. As my mentor David Courage talked of Collective Consciousness, Resonance, frequency and matter - he also found interest in the revelations I'd written of the Elder in my dream, leading us both on this great adventure.
Ancient knowledge, Kunapipi, a Matriarch & Micro-economic recovery......
David said my work was the 'Greatest Business Plan' for the Earth, ever written. I'd found that our prestigious leaders seemed to manifest over time without any space and that was illogical, considering physics and the needs of space, our 'Self' yearned for intrinsically. I believe now, through the shear numbers of people talking, collectively, that greater Powers than we understand are being invoked in the conscious awareness we all possess. The injustices are found totally in the Macro-economic, Keynesian beliefs. My thesis compares the relativity of Emotions to the inefficiency of combustion, the sense & sensibility of worshipping money and the oneness of the Universe. The Ancients had advanced knowledge and that had been suppressed for thousands of years by a few greedy Men - the Hourman is a great metaphor. We live under the forces of time and short term gain, yet ironically Earth's balance sheet was priceless. Life on Earth is ruled by the enduring paternal ego shown to only provide us with winners & losers. I believe now that the Art of conversation is being revived online by the internet shown in the waves of concern. As half a million Children in Australia live in poverty, the social media tsunami must usher in a greater era, to alleviate us from this terrible proliferation of stupidity.
In the beginning was with Word......
My Fathers reverie provides a groundwork for me to study the Alfa-Male shown in the Hourman's behaviours and huge Ego, having a very healthy vision of his Self; and so much so in fact that many could not escape his magnificence without being told so. The means by which he accedes to a need of money I say is legendary. We also call Father 'Poet' for the profound hindsight he has in questioning others, 'Why didn't you do it this way?' 'Didn't you listen?' He loves to talk about productivity, yet he doesn't know what it is and his closest allies must have to read his mind to do anything right. I've never seen him ever show anyone how he wanted things to happen in the first place and he has no understanding of Process - I'd say he has a gift with so much hindsight to share, that is so overwhelming, you'd think his presence needed worshiping for any progress to occur. He could have been a better Father too, I guess, if he'd ever been around but, I've learnt that I only have to accept him - I choose not to be like him in any way. It's amazing how our soul can differ so greatly from our Fathers.
My Mother must be made of high strength Carbon - Poor Woman......
The Family businesses had changed, restructured from a great place to work into a concentration camp as my Mentor David, the founder, was removed by my Father in a coup. His new Manager of Affairs, we call the MP provided Father with a moral justification: 'You have to control people Sean' he'd say. Father is fascinated by Guns, Poetry and he loves money above anything else. I'd say that Plato's Symposium could be the inspiration for his character. There had been too much Drama over the past years, many people used, abused even - as using others emotions easily gave him the power to manipulate most employees for purpose. The arguments attracted the legal profession like flies hovering over a turd in 'you' 'you' 'you' legal arguments, ruling our families empire like an epitaph of Dallas. Strange how David was like a Brother to my Father laying flat on his back in hospital from a Motorbike crash when he genuinely needed a wage. David is the Hero and from empirical thought he had led me to conceive ideas over what Power actually was and he says from my work came the Physics for efficient Power & his own emotional salvation. We have decided, that together we should save Christmas Island.......
my Thesis had to be based on a real situation......
Shortly before that Dream I had, David had just returned from a sabbatical tour of Nepal - I noticed he had changed somewhat. He kept mentioning the word 'Amen'al' and talked a lot about the 'one second of process ' we each were missing, being lost in each & every day through Drama that controlled the common folk: and that I would find future meaning of both these incantations in the future. Magically the dream had framed these words he had spoken. The vision shone brightly upon an Old man standing on a podium chanting out to above. An Aboriginal Elder I thought with hands raised toward the clouds, as the clouds formed into the shape of a giant Dragonfly. I started to write many words - researching our ancient culture and drawing many schematic diagrams from faith. The magnificence of our Elders creativity is in Micro-diversity needed to be further understood by our modern Economists. It seems to me that the Macro-World was incomplete and was created specifically for a less intelligent society. Had all of physics been altered? Our history here, was 60,000 years in the making and that was not a story but the truth of existence. Had the last 2020 years been altered by some council of fraudulent scribes who changed the meaning of life by 180°
to dominate Mankind......
David says the school of Socrates' has taught Man to write in cagey small printed terms and conditions and to consider people as fodder. He has said to me many times with a dry sense of humour that 'Uranus is a slave'. Change had to come to this polluted World and the most prevalent advice I have understood was that creation started all processes from nothing - a simple Idea. The Dreamtime was with 'Word' and I believe now it is given to each of us to find our unique gift. The numbers of people communicating together is enormous and as Power is small, I call the collective of conscious people a huge power - that when aligned is a weapon of mass destruction. The Word therefore was our only true protection in life for if you manipulate the truth then you will at some stage face karma. There are words to set our future on a better more sustainable course and the Hourman will be awoken to his unconscious ways seeing the face others present him in the mirror. If we keep combusting Coal & burning Oil inefficiently then the Carbon Mother will have to take matter into her own hands & rid Earth of this disease we call Humanity.
'All that pain Word starts, let another Word stop it......'
I'd found the light has been to the future - that time was absorbing us into a bandwidth of future possibilities, but was fate predetermined? Energy was in abundance all around us atomically and the Dark matter within the Hourman's mind I'd determined, had to be exposed to greater meaning for life and lonely blue Planet in space. We each could have as much as we needed, yet we couldn't survive in peace whilst brand power & division controlled our emotions. I believe Earth's carbon state can change simply be Mankind deciding to love her more profoundly so our kindred spirits can then grow collectively whilst providing the future a minority deserve as the Ocean rises. If we don't then I believe our Children will be besieged by a mini Ice Age as Climate temperature differences widen dramatically.
I'd found out that creating a future did not rely on Money, it simply relied on creation......
I had awoken from my own unconscious state with much vigour that compelled me to consider all thoughts, drawings, algorithms as consciousness, but standing on the shoulders of giants - the work couldn't be shared so easily. That would become my responsibility in life to explain. The correctness of this single paragraph is a clumsy prose, but it shall suffice to describe what had transpired for me from the Dreamtime:
'The Gods will have you Spinning Around in Jupiter, all around on the structure of the Cosmos, to a places where you will be sailing in your dreams to far stretched reaches of our Galaxy. There will be the symbol of time who they call The Hour man, Here I stand watching you to give yourself to this higher force over power, what can I do to save you, except love you and will your strength to an immortal dimension so survival will pertain in your soul.'