The Hourman 11:11:11 And so the adversaries of the Hourman set upon him; and as a crowd destroyed him as one.
Simpletons, poets, and prestigious leaders who regularly use personal abuse over policy development should be given a metaphoric name. I will name a character I describe: 'The Hourman'. Considering the endless amount of 'stupid' going on in all of democracy, all short-term thinkers need a lesson in what the words 'public service' actually mean. People were awakening to the fact they were incarcerated and unsatisfied with the many digital systems used to control us. Abusive poetry, standing in front of wicked signs—there was no end to the primitive behavior the minority coalition government reveals as its prime character. Seeing such poor leadership, such uncreative people leading the political charter, was a joke. Many of us had become fed up with language-bastardry and the non-productive future direction of this ancient land.
"The Sea is rising..."
Collectively, the power of social media was exponential when numbers of people behind one issue aligned en masse. A large number of people, shouting in one direction, one hashtag, one picture—the need for 'intelligence' about our future partnership with Earth. On the parliamentary floor, language bastardry and self-egotistical manipulation seemed to attract so many inferior like-minded idiots, who were like shards stuck to the super magnetic forces of dumb.
"Slit the throat and throw her out with the chaff bag..."
People collectively were waking up to the benign dumbing down of language that complicated traditional logic with no service. Considering the endless layers and layers of professional overheads, it seemed illogical there was no service anymore. There were, however, a great number of consultants and public officials providing huge fees for nothingness. Many prestigious leaders had already revealed this character that wavered wildly from the visionary leaders we needed, who could contemplate the missing charter in Australia's leadership. We are infected by short-term thinkers who could not naturally form any ideas or create a vision needed for the problems they serve. We see infrastructure—but only with a toll, or with another tax, and double-dipping the people was endemic considering the proletariat was suffering poverty and so many complex systems. The need in politics must be for a federal independent commission over 'government'... By printing money to serve so many consultants, by imposing debt and austerity on the people, politicians had exposed themselves as possessing no ability to create anything. Professionals who do not have the ability to develop policies for this ancient culture. It also seemed half the parliament possessed no empathy. Profit and loss economics drove the headlines, but it was relative to consider in business the P&L sheet was only half the story. Our Australian balance sheet was, on the other hand, a priceless part of the economy where we could build upon. The Hourman is a day trader, a short-term thinker, and usually for self; they are happy to portray the poor state of the economy every day and secretly bet against our success. Efficient economy is founded in creation by adding a DA to land for infrastructure. It's not difficult; it's been done before.
The People vs. Political Welfare...
The games played in democracy really need to be overhauled. Listening to the commentary, we only hear about 'what the other side is doing wrong' rather than speak of the 11% of children who are starving each day in our own rich backyard. As communication grows, it is the academic commentators who have had a skilled life who can now easily comment from their journey. Communication en masse also delivers a unique quality people possess called 'doubt'—very appealing in this age of communication. The rising propensity of communication values is creating much karma—cause and effect on stupid could equate to many online shouting out 'liar' to those political figures who resonate well below their job description.
Binary function '0' becomes a policy statement...
We have a plan!! But in effect, no policy, no options, no credibility, and of course, more taxes, fear, terror, and war. In principle, our prestigious leaders wasted taxpayers' money on themselves and could not understand that 'business' was never intended to be 'personal' attacks. Consider Australia's first woman prime minister; she passed 175 bills in legislation, and the opposition slandered her politically with ugly misogynistic cruel personal abuse—and from God-fearing right-wing secular men.
2020 to 2026 in Equilibrium...
Very few politicians have ever experienced facing employees during tough times. Most are sucking the public teat like a baby and are at a loss in considering how the people's infrastructure can be built. The minority had become the victims of fear, working our butts off for more productivity gains, but left dumbfounded by the nothingness of political brands. We hear of tax reform needed, but we don't hear of any solutions to the complexity of these systems we endure. We give away our equitable resources for printed 'out of thin air' dollars, and then other countries add huge value to the resource price by selling inferior products. We reported to government, but that needed a 180° turnaround—government reporting to the people?
These policies are purposely bringing the people out in mass rallies to defend what is actually being stolen. Through incompetence and poor intentions, retirees in the Euro-zone have no chances of income as reserve interest rates are zero. This game, the Hourman directs us towards, is an equation happening right here as our super funds' capital depreciates through poorly intended algorithms. Yet at the top of the town, the sales for really expensive cars, boats, and large property have doubled. Am I the only one who sees this as an economic game as incomplete?
At the workers' end, the productive side, there are wage cuts, threats to small business, and the degradation of prosperity that drives the minds of many small business owners towards insanity, anxiety, depression, and personal destruction. The many owners of businesses simply worry tragically about how the next wage can be paid, and I've been there looking into my workers' faces.
It sucked...
Complex government regulation mixed in with the greed of banks now stifles business development, with a generous display of arrogance over business planning by non-skilled staff who provide all sorts of derogatory comments on why they couldn't help you, refusing to participate in any sort of partnership arrangement over a time frame or have the care to understand their participation in business planning would make banks 'far more' equity and cash flow active with business as partners over time.
We should be aiming for the sky...
Meanwhile, the top banking fraternity with all their buddies are getting tens of millions of dollars in bonuses while the people's savings accounts attract more fees than equity. Sure, low interest rates are great, but only if you can get that partnership financially. Then there is the downside of low rates tragically affecting older retirees with no super or enough income to live on. Then there are the trading algorithms, bull rallies, and put options that ensure you fail, and this culture is being confronted as karma in communication, that 'we want to be served' by service businesses. The profits banks create are fees from your savings accounts, and your dividend is 70% given back to shareholders as a fully franked dividend, and so this cycle continues, to reduce your own equity from using that bank.
The Chosen few must lead the way...
The Hourman's stereotypical character echoes our fragility right around the world: bad government, incompetence, 'you, you, you' arguments, and the press gallery needed to wake up to the 'drama' and once again serve its customers. The media have a responsibility to the common man who is currently at breaking point. Poor expendable journalists, with truth in their academic charter, could refocus on the importance of longer-term planning needed against sea level rise, harsh climate changes, and the need to simplify the whole economy by using technology to serve us rather than let it use us.
The population will double, and that needs consideration for infrastructure...
If it was learned to support the courage a businessman actually has, we could kick-start the economy again. The optical communication network would have delivered major incomes forever, and if listed locally for our shareholders, the people could have then gained unparalleled access to equity and future returns from infrastructure that magically never needs to be upgraded again. Imagine the profitable outcomes of 3D shopping, holistic Skype, and instantaneous communication. In the almost spooky laws of entanglement, 'doubt' informs us that the creativity of leadership has disappeared when the people awaken to find now they will have to pay thousands personally on top of the original policy to get a final connection.
Isn't it strange journalism has ignored this issue...
Banks and government are a service to business; it cannot be the other way around. The master businessman needs a partner over a period of time, and he needs service industries to complete his planning. While my workers break their backs with dirty hands each day, all I see is the TV economist, who has never been in actual business, speculating a day's trading, buy-sell, buy-sell. Stock-market trading that changes share prices each day cannot be aligned with business planning: it doesn't matter in business, of a particular single moment, but more so of how companies perform compared to its complex and skilled planning and over a long period of time.
Growing businesses helps the whole economy with prosperity...
Rather than speaking so arrogantly about the figures we give them, banks should employ a system of partnership, value-adding to our hard-working hands over a period of time by factoring costs and wages. In a time of low interest, when the world is in a period of major drama, now is the crucial time for the economists to speak in layman's terms, offering to create business projects over a long time frame and in serving the problems our children will face.
This all seems so possible, so easy to do...o , and once © C O P Y R I G H T J U P I T E R P R O D U C T I O N S 1998 SPINNING AROUND IN JUPITER ® S K U T C H ® (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)